Georgia's Rankings Among the States
Budget, Taxes and Other Indicators
Georgia’s Rankings Among the States: Budget, Taxes and Other Indicators serves as an annual reference guide for policymakers, the media and the public. Published in tandem with Georgia’s Taxes: A Summary of Major State and Local Taxes at the beginning of the state’s legislative session every January, the rankings report provides an overview of the fiscal landscape of Georgia and its relation to other states. All editions of the rankings report can be accessed below.
The report provides state-level demographic information and a number of quantitative metrics, such as the annual unemployment rate and per capita state expenditures. Besides general fiscal measures, the report compares states across specific functional areas, such as education, health and transportation. Overall, 37 metrics are presented that help place Georgia’s economic and fiscal position in relation to other states.
In addition to the report, the Fiscal Research Center also creates visualizations for each edition. These Tableau interfaces allow users to visualize metrics on a map of the United States to see which states fall above or below the national average for each metric. The Rankings Among the States Over Time below is similar in appearance to the annual visualizations but provides easy access to the states’ metric trends over time. Users can hover their mouse over a state to view the multi-year trend of a metric.